Colon Hydrotherapy 

Also known as colon cleansing, colonic, colonic irrigation, colon irrigation & colon lavage. Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle treatment, where a soothing flow of filtered, temperature controlled water circulates gently throughout the colon for approx. 40 minutes, stimulating the colons natural peristalsis, encouraging your body to eliminate accumulated waste and toxins that may have built up over a period of time.

When the body has accumulated waste and toxins, it won’t be able to function at its best. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way to cleanse the body and may help it perform optimally, therefore restoring vibrant health and wellbeing.  

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

When the body is full of accumulated waste and toxins, it won’t be able to function at its best. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way to cleanse the body and help it perform optimally, restoring vibrant health and wellbeing.

Colon Hydrotherapy may help with:

  • Detoxify Naturally 

  • Improve Digestion 

  • Increase Hydration 

  • Increase Energy  

  • Improve & Support Gut health

  • Improve Weight Loss

  • Strengthen Immune Function

About the Device 

Our Colon Hydrotherapy System 

We use the modern state of the art premier Angel of Water open, gravity fed, Colon Hydrotherapy system offering the highest quality in safety, comfort and sanitation, bringing Colon Hydrotherapy into the 21st century with elegance, simplicity and dignity. It is a very gentle treatment with the focus on client comfort and care. Your privacy and modesty are always respected.

Hygiene & Safety 

At Colonics Canberra we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene. We use the state-of-the-art medical grade, gravity fed, Angel of Water System which is the latest technology in “Open” Colon Hydrotherapy devices and is FDA registered.

Your Certified Colon Hydrotherapist is there to assist you through the entire process if you wish, or you may prefer to be left in privacy for most of the treatment with the therapist monitoring you for your comfort and safety.


  • Colon Hydrotherapy is often referred to as colonic irrigation or colonics. Colon Hydrotherapy uses safe filtered, temperature-controlled water for inner cleansing. A small thin tube is inserted about 1- 1.5 inches into the rectum which allows the water to gently enter the colon, softening and loosening the waste matter and toxins, which stimulates the body’s peristaltic action allowing the waste matter and toxins to be evacuated.

  • The Angel of Water’s advanced design now brings elegance, simplicity and dignity to colon hydrotherapy. The Angel of Water surround, a gravity-fed open design, is the premier colon hydrotherapy system and is the first choice for hospitals and clinics around the world. The Angel of Water is the safest, simplest and most effective solution for irrigating the colon. The Angel of Water system of colon hydrotherapy allows you to become in tune with your own body and be in control of the water during your treatment. A fully qualified therapist will instruct you how to self-insert the small sterile tube. Once the treatment is underway the therapist does not require to be in the room with you throughout your entire treatment, which means a greater level of privacy. The therapist will check on you throughout the treatment for both your comfort and safety and you have access to them at any time by pressing a call button.

  • Colon Hydrotherapy is a great way to assist the body to eliminate accumulated waste and detox and is a great preventative measure. Many Colon Hydrotherapy clients report that they have an increase in energy, clearer skin and a flatter tummy. Colonics can also assist people with overcoming symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, stress, over processed diet, headaches, migraines, back pain, hemorrhoids, parasites, skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, colitis, arthritis, diverticulosis, depression, intestinal distress and irregularity of bowel movements. By cleansing the colon we give the body the conditions it needs to allow it to come back into homeostasis (balance) and therefore have the opportunity to correct the imbalance, whatever that may be.

  • At Colonics Canberra, we pride ourselves on our high professional standards. Your dignity and privacy are respected and maintained throughout your treatment. Most Clients find Colon Hydrotherapy quite comfortable and relaxing, although some discomfort or cramping may be felt by some clients depending on the level of impaction of the colon. These cramps help to strengthen and tone the colon, kind of like a gym session for your bowel! Many people report that they find their colon hydrotherapy session both refreshing and relaxing

  • This is a great time to have a session since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of your session.

  • This is a very common question. Colon Hydrotherapy will remove both beneficial and non-beneficial bacteria from the colon. Since most people have predominantly non beneficial bacteria in higher ratios in the gut, beneficial bacteria can be increased afterwards with the use of probiotics and a healthy diet containing fermented and probiotic foods. At the end of your session you will be offered a probiotic drink and super greens to begin the replenishment and growth of beneficial bacteria immediately after your session.

  • The Angel of Water colon hydrotherapy system we use at Colonics Canberra is an open system of Colon Hydrotherapy. It is a modern, state of the art, gravity fed system. You will have your own private treatment room and the therapist will instruct you on how to self-insert the small rectal tube in privacy. The Qualified Colon Hydrotherapist is trained to ensure the procedure is done safely, adjusting the water temperature and flow to suit your specific needs. Once treatment is underway, the therapist will check on you regularly during the session for your own safety and gauge whether you require further support.

    The closed system is an older style colon hydrotherapy system, where a therapist is with you in the room throughout the entire treatment, inserts the larger rectal tube (speculum) for you, and is in control of the amount of water flowing into your colon. Whilst there are merits to both systems, our clients find the open Angel of Water system a far more comfortable treatment and feel that they can be more in tune with their own body throughout the treatment.

  • Your treatment may be more comfortable if you refrain from eating at least 2 hours before your scheduled appointment time. For best results we suggest a diet of healthy fruits and vegetables and at least 2L of water per day in the few days prior to your treatment. Avoiding red meat, processed & fried foods, sugar, wheat, caffeine & alcohol can also be highly beneficial.

  • The most common responses from clients are that they feel clean & light with increased energy and a feeling of wellbeing. However, depending on your current state of health and level of toxicity, some people can feel tired and lethargic after a treatment. Both responses are normal depending on what is going on with your body at the time.

  • Yes. At Colonics Canberra our colonic equipment is TGA approved.


  • Weight loss is very common, but it’s the weight of the poop that was inside of you. You haven’t exactly burnt any extra calories. It’s kinda like emptying your backpack. At the same time you may take on water during a colonic so you could also gain water weight that cancels out the loss from the poop. So the scale will look exactly the same. Don’t expect to suddenly be photo shoot-ready after a 45 min session. It’s more about feeling a lighter, flatter stomach than actually dropping those pounds. That said many clients who have done a series of colonic treatments combined with dietary change and exercise have had incredible weight loss results.

  • This will be designed by your therapist as everyone is different.The amount of sessions would be determined by the health of the colon initially and the client’s overall health goals.

    If you have never had a Colon Hydrotherapy session before then usually it is recommended to start with a series of 3 to 6 sessions.

    During a cleanse it is generally beneficial to do a treatment everyday or every other day as this will keep your bowel active to support and enhance your cleanse. After your initial series of Colon Hydrotherapy sessions, clients may choose to have a monthly maintenance session or if you prefer to wait a few months, then a series of sessions close together would be recommended.

    Your Colon Hydrotherapist can advise you further on what is recommended for you.

  • Simply put, there just isn’t enough research on it. Colonics are generally considered safe in the second trimester. HOWEVER, pregnant bodies are like delicate works of art. Probably best to skip the colonic visit during this time and consult your Midwife or OB-GYN for any tummy concerns.

  • We use the latest-technology medical-grade equipment and disposable apparatus, superior even to sterilisation. Our equipment is hygienically cleaned and made ‘new’ every session.

  • It’s important to drink plenty of water after your colonic to help your body continue to flush out toxins. As for diet, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (preferably raw or gently steamed if your body is not used to a high-raw diet). Avoid red meat, alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

  • It’s completely normal NOT to have a bowel movement the day after your colonic. You’ve just expelled a large amount of waste, and it can take time before the colon muscles are strengthened enough to properly move digested food through your system.

  • Your colon is approximately as long as you are tall, so there is a large area to cleanse. You can’t cleanse the entire colon during one session, therefore people normally do a series of Colon Hydrotherapy sessions to thoroughly hydrate, cleanse and create an improved environment within the colon. Your therapist will help you design a personal colon cleanse that compliments your health goals

  • No mess, no odour! Your dignity is always maintained with proper draping in a private room. Most people find a colonic treatment a thoroughly comfortable experience. If there is impaction in the large intestines there may be some discomfort and some cramping as this is expelled, however once removed the treatment is pleasant and relaxing.

  • You do not need to get a referral or have an examination from a doctor before getting a colonic, but if you have health concerns and you would like to tell your doctor before having a colonic then please do.

    If you have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, severe hemorrhoids or anal fissures, rectal or intestinal tumors, diverticulitis, acute liver failure, an abdominal hernia, severe anemia, lupus or an aneurysm then colonics are not recommended.

  • Item Enemas are used to cleanse the lower part of the colon whereas a course of colonic treatments will provide a greater degree of cleansing by removing any impacted matter from the greater colon. Colonic irrigation can help the return of peristalsis which encourages the colon muscles to regain tone thereby leading to more regular bowel movements.

  • Using an enema you are missing about 4 feet of the colon. During a colonic, the water goes all the way through 5 feet of the colon. Laxatives are irritants and leave behind impacted toxins and waste on the walls of the colon.

  • No. Immediately after a treatment you may need to use the toilet if there was any residual

    water or waste to be released and after that you can return to your day as normal.

  • Yes. Colon hydrotherapy can be combined with infrared sauna, a good nutrition and exercise to holistically assist your body to detox naturally.

  • Yes. Our colon hydrotherapist has completed 100 hours of colon hydrotherapy training through I-ACT School of Colon Hydrotherapy Australasia and completed the Angel of Water device training through ICHTA - International Colon Hydrotherapy Training Academy and is a member of the International Colon Health Association.

Have any question before starting, Get in touch.